DI Ray series 2 ending explained and news of series 3

By Helen Fear | Fri Oct 25 2024

DI Ray series 2 comes to an end this week, although most fans might have already binged all six episodes on ITVX - here's the ending explained in our handy series finale recap.

After the success of DI Ray series 1 in 2022, actress Parminder Nagra returned as the dogged detective in series 2. This time, she was tasked with investigating a possible turf war between two rival gangs in Birmingham.

Only, despite first appearances, the murder of Frank Chapman - and the poor nurse caught in the cross fire - wasn't about a struggle for territory at all. It was about something far closer to home...

Here's everything you need to know about DI Ray series 2 episode 6 finale, in our ending explained.

***Warning: spoilers from DI Ray series 2 episode 6 finale ahead in our ending explained***

Dinita Gohil's councillor Amara Dhawan was exposed as corrupt (Credit: ITV)

Who was Lou Kirkby, and what was his involvement in Frank's murder?

Lou Kirkby was a former friend of Frank Chapman, until a mysterious fall out between them. He was released from a prison sentence shortly before Frank was murdered, making him a prime suspect.

DI Ray received this intel from her former fiancé Martyn Hunter, a bent copper currently serving time for his crimes. She reluctantly visited him in jail when he insisted he had information to share (in exchange for a leaner sentence).

Viewers discovered that Lou Kirkby had bought a swimming academy to help impoverished kids. His daughter started there when she was 13, but seemingly changed overnight. She stopped eating, started cutting herself, and stopped seeing her friends.

At 15, she tragically took her own life. Lou said "that nonce Frank Chapman killed my baby girl". Turns out, they'd found the girl's diary, where she'd detailed the abuse she suffered at the hands of Frank. Although Lou did not kill Frank, he wished he had.

DI Ray series 2 ending explained: Who killed Frank Chapman?

The death of Frank Chapman at the beginning of DI Ray series 2 kickstarted Rachita's investigation. Having been shot in his own kitchen, he attempted to drive himself to the hospital, but was gunned down by a hitman. Tragically, the killer also murdered a young nurse in the crossfire.

In DI Ray series 2 episode 6, viewers discovered that Frank Chapman was actually shot with his own gun in his house. Meaning that the shooter arrived at Frank's house unarmed.

As soon as DI Ray discovered Frank was a paedophile, she realised his granddaughter Amy could also have been a victim of abuse. As Ray got nearer to the truth, Amy's auntie Suzie Chapman became more intent on stopping her. Even telling her heavies to threaten her and, eventually, attempt to finish her off.

Suzie's motives weren't sincere, though. She was protecting Amy from the police investigation, but also trying to get her to keep quiet in a bid to protect the family name. Amy "accidentally" shot Frank after years of sexual abuse. She confronted him with his gun in an attempt to get him to confess. However, when he tried to take it off her, it went off, harming him in the process.

In tense scenes, Ray found Amy contemplating suicide on the brink of a high building. She confessed. She also revealed that she'd told her dad Dave, and he had subsequently followed Frank to the hospital and finished the job in a bid to protect his daughter.

The police charged Amy with attempted murder but, given what she'd been through, it's likely she'd get a non-custodial sentence.

Suzie was charged with assisting an offender, with a possible sentence of 15 years. None of the murders were about turf war, it was all about family.

Frank sexually abused his own granddaughter Amy, played by Heather Forster (Credit: ITV)

Who was Sajna, and why was she in UK?

Seven-year-old Sajna was brought over to the UK on a tourist visa from an orphanage in India (arranged by Rav). Medical tests were performed on her before she was trafficked. The tests showed she was a good tissue match for Jasmine, the daughter of Birmingham councillor Amara Choudhry.

Jasmine needed a new kidney, and Sajna was a suitable organ donor. Although, of course, the word donor suggested she had consented... Which, of course, she hadn't.

Amara was prepared to break the law in order to give her daughter a chance of life. Jasmine has kidney failure, and Amara wasn't sure if she'd get a kidney transplant in time. Somehow, Frank Chapman found out. He blackmailed Rav with the photo of Sajna. He wanted him to bring other vulnerable children to the UK.

Meanwhile, Rav Mochani was trying to protect Sajna from Frank - even though he was the one who arranged for her to be trafficked in the first place. The doctor set to perform the operation was later found dead, having died by suicide. DI Ray made the assumption that he was probably in debt to the loan sharks, and was forced into it.

Later, we heard that the little girl would be fast-tracked through the adoption process. Eventually, she would go to a good home, and live a better life.

DI Ray series 2 ending explained: Was Rav Mochani a bad guy?

Rav arranged for young Sajna to be trafficked. However, he believed he was bringing her into a better life.

His reward for helping Amara? The three million bailiff contract with the council. So not the nicest bloke, but he wasn't the man who killed Frank Chapman or nurse Megan.

He killed Frank's son Dave in self defence, having been set up for the murder of Frank, and then abducted and tortured.

Sam Baker-Jones as DC Liam Payne in DI Ray series 2 (Credit: ITV)

Who complained about DI Ray?

DC Liam Payne (Sam Baker-Jones in the DI Ray cast) was the police officer who raised a concern about DI Ray. He suggested to DCI Henderson that she might need more support.

However, DCI Henderson claimed the officer had accused Ray of being reckless. Beardsmore - smelling a scapegoat for the shooting of Rav - had then pressured Liam to make the complaint formal.

DI Rachita Ray accused DCI Henderson of plotting to get rid of her. She revealed she'd been recording her conversations with Henderson and Beardsmore in an attempt to build a discrimination case against them.

DI Ray later submitted her case against the force, particularly Supt. Ross Beardsmore.

DI Ray series 2 ending explained: What happened to Supt. Ross Beardsmore?

Of course, DI Ray - with help from colleague DS Clive Bottomley - discovered that Supt. Ross Beardsmore was a racist misogynist who regularly posted vile messages about her in a WhatsApp group chat.

She became determined to risk her own job by exposing him, and the others on the toxic chat group.

In the closing minutes of DI Ray series 2 episode 6, viewers saw DS Clive Bottomley warn a member of the chat that they'd been exposed. This caused two to leave the chat.

DI Ray confronted Beardsmore, requesting to seize his phone for evidence of the incriminating group chat. He immediately pulled rank, and refused to hand his phone over. In front of DCI Henderson, he accused them of "discreditable conduct".

Turning nasty, he also told DI Ray that he'd hand her a Reg 15 "following complaints about her conduct". A Regulation 15 notice is a way to inform a police officer that a complaint or conduct matter has been made and requires an investigation.

However, DCI Henderson did the right thing, calling for Beardsmore's arrest for malicious communications. He was subsequently suspended with immediate effect. And it looked like DCI Henderson could well replace him as Supt.

The Office star Patrick Baladi as DI Ray's love interest in series 2 (Credit: ITV)

Does DI Ray get together with DI Patrick Holden?

As DI Ray's case became more complicated, we saw her confide in DI Patrick Holden more and more. And, frankly, he was by far the nicest man she'd met since the tragic death of PS Tony Khatri in series 1.

At the end of DI Ray series 2, Patrick turned up at Rachita Ray's house bearing a bottle of fizz and some crisps (most definitely the way to a woman's heart). As they kissed, the implication was clear - the pair were in a relationship. Yay!

Will there be a series 3 of DI Ray?

ITV has not yet confirmed if there'll be a series 3 of DI Ray. Although we suspect there will be.

Parminder Nagra's DI Ray is a nuanced character, who viewers can truly get behind. And the subject of racism within the police force sadly remains topical.

A series 3 of DI Ray could well show the brilliant Gemma Whelan as the new boss. And we could watch her all day. Her motives aren't always clear, but she's usually looking out for herself...

We'd love to see more scenes with Whelan and Nagra. Watch this space.

DI Ray series 1 and 2 are currently available to watch on ITVX.

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