RTE One Friday

6:00 AM
Headlines update
7:10 AM
Home shopping
7:45 AM
Daily magazine show
9:55 AM
The Kelly Clarkson Show
Chat and entertainment show
10:45 AM
The Drew Barrymore Show
The actress hosts a talk show
11:10 AM
The Drew Barrymore Show
The actress hosts a talk show
11:40 AM
Shortland Street
Damo rushes to Desi's side in the wake of Jenny's assault
12:10 PM
Suni helps a young woman deal with a family revelation
12:45 PM
Telly Bingo
Lottery game show
1:00 PM
RTÉ News: One O'Clock and Weather
National and international news
1:30 PM
Home and Away
Tane is haunted by the memory of Felicity
2:00 PM
High Road, Low Road
Simon Delaney and Aidan Power head to Slovenia
2:30 PM
Fair City
Suzanne remains determined to chase the Molloy's for compensation
3:00 PM
The Zoo
The resident male okapi Kitabu is joined by a new mate
3:30 PM
Daily magazine show
5:40 PM
The latest news headlines
5:55 PM
RTÉ News with Signing
National and international news.
6:01 PM
RTÉ News: Six One and Weather
The latest national and international headlines
7:00 PM
A mix of reports, features and events from around the country
7:30 PM
Fair City
Tyler dismisses Ciaran's accusations when grilled by DI Buckley
8:00 PM
Junior hatches a plan to spend more time with Cindy
8:30 PM
Son of a Critch
A bittersweet coming-of-age comedy set in 1980s Newfoundland.
9:00 PM
RTÉ News: Nine O'Clock and Weather
The latest national and international news
9:35 PM
The Late Late Show
Music and chat, hosted by Patrick Kielty
11:15 PM
White Squall
Fact-based seafaring drama, with Jeff Bridges
1:45 AM
A mix of reports, features and events from around the country
2:15 AM
Telly Bingo
Lottery game show
2:30 AM
Suni helps a young woman deal with a family revelation
3:00 AM
Headlines update
6:00 AM
Headlines update
6:10 AM
Home shopping
6:40 AM
Home shopping