RTE One Thursday

6:00 AM
Headlines update
6:15 AM
Home shopping
6:50 AM
Home shopping
7:25 AM
Daily magazine show
9:35 AM
The Kelly Clarkson Show
Chat and entertainment show
10:25 AM
The Drew Barrymore Show
The actress hosts a talk show
10:50 AM
The Drew Barrymore Show
The actress hosts a talk show
11:15 AM
Shortland Street
Tension simmers between Nicole and Maeve after their fight
11:50 AM
Leaders' Questions
Live coverage of Question Time in the Dail
12:45 PM
Telly Bingo
Lottery game show
1:00 PM
RTÉ News: One O'Clock and Weather
National and international news
1:30 PM
Home and Away
Kirby praises Mali for his artwork
2:00 PM
Remi is exasperated that Cara can't see her point
2:30 PM
High Road, Low Road
Mary Kennedy and Noel Cunningham are sent to Valencia
3:00 PM
Yolande reels at the news of Pastor Clayton's suicide
3:30 PM
Daily magazine show
5:40 PM
The latest news headlines
5:55 PM
RTÉ News with Signing
National and international news.
6:01 PM
RTÉ News: Six One and Weather
The latest national and international headlines
7:00 PM
Cheap Irish Homes
Maggie Molloy helps a newly engaged couple search for a home in North Kerry
7:30 PM
The End of the World with Beanz
Martin Beanz Warde travels to the USA, with comedian Bernard O'Shea
8:00 PM
Great Irish Interiors
Exploring the restoration efforts at Dublin's Newbridge House
8:30 PM
Fair City
Suzanne remains determined to chase the Molloy's for compensation
9:00 PM
RTÉ News: Nine O'Clock and Weather
The latest national and international news
9:35 PM
Prime Time
Presented by Miriam O'Callaghan and Fran McNulty
10:15 PM
The Choice 2024: Harris vs Trump
Investigating the lives and characters of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump
11:20 PM
The Gone
The team works to find out if the Mountain Murderer has returned
12:25 AM
Call the Midwife
A woman gives birth to a severely deformed baby
1:35 AM
Prime Time
Presented by Miriam O'Callaghan and Fran McNulty
2:15 AM
Telly Bingo
Lottery game show
2:25 AM
Dr Phil
Guests tell Dr Phil McGraw about their problems
3:10 AM
Headlines update
6:00 AM
Headlines update