Limbs in the Loch: Catching a Killer

10:30 PM to 11:00 PM
Tuesday 25 March

Season 1 Episode 4 of 6

The search for William Beggs becomes an international manhunt as detectives uncover more secrets from his past, but he hands himself into a police station in Amsterdam. It soon becomes apparent that Beggs has chosen the Netherlands because of its robust extradition laws and Strathclyde police must work hard to have Beggs returned to Scotland to stand trial for the murder of Barry Wallace

Limbs in the Loch: Catching a Killer airs on BBC Scotland at 10:30 PM, Tuesday 25 March. (Subtitles, repeat, audio description.)
Education ➝ Science ➝ Factual Topics
Factual Crime
Sam Emmery
Executive Editor
Lesley Shields