Looney Tunes

5:31 PM to 6:00 PM
Tuesday 25 June

Wild About Hurry/The Unexpected Pest/Cock-A-Doodle Duel

Season 1

The Coyote is trying everything to catch the Road Runner including a giant slingshot, rock, roller skate and giant magnet. / Sylvester overhears his owners talking about getting rid of him. To keep his home, he must prove he is worth having by catching a mouse. / Cocky rooster Foghorn Leghorn, who normally enthralls the hens with his charm and tall tales, discovers there's no room for two males when a new, genetically enhanced rooster moves into the barnyard, making the hens swoon and lay more eggs. The ladies are mesmerized by the macho muscle-bound intruder. All the farm animals gather to watch a fight between the dueling roosters.

Looney Tunes airs on Boomerang HD at 5:31 PM, Tuesday 25 June.
Children's ➝ Youth Programmes
Cartoons ➝ Puppets