The Thick of It

11:50 PM to 12:25 AM
Friday 21 June

Season 4 Episode 1 of 7

Armando Iannucci's political satire returns with long-suffering MP Peter Mannion taking charge at the Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship as part of a coalition government. However, he must also work with junior minister Fergus Williams - an arrangement neither man is enjoying. As the series begins, Fergus excitedly prepares to launch his new digital education initiative - until Downing Street spin doctor Stewart Pearson announces technophobe Peter is going to be the spokesman for it instead. Elsewhere in the department, civil servant Terri Coverley tries to ensure she is put up for redundancy, while her colleague Glenn Cullen attempts to make his presence felt. Starring Roger Allam, Geoffrey Streatfeild, Vincent Franklin and Joanna Scanlan

The Thick of It airs on That's TV 2 at 11:50 PM, Friday 21 June. (Strong Language.)
Movie ➝ Drama
Roger Allam
Will Smith
Joanna Scanlan