The Bill

11:40 AM to 12:40 PM
Thursday 27 June

Missing - Part One

Season 22 Episode 13 of 91

Part one of two. Sam Nixon bales out harassed father Neil Manson and organises the CID end of an operation to trace a missing seven-year-old girl. The frantic parents agree to hold a press conference appealing for witnesses, but when it becomes clear all the known local paedophiles have alibis, inconsistencies in the father's account of events start to look suspicious. Phil Hunter faces up to the fact his marriage is over. With Neil Stuke and Andrew Sachs

The Bill airs on Drama at 11:40 AM, Thursday 27 June. (Subtitles.)
Learn more about The Bill and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Police ➝ Crime Drama
Neil Stuke
Sarah Tansey
Jo-Ann Knowles