Blue Bloods

12:05 PM to 1:05 PM
Saturday 29 March

Working Girls

Season 2 Episode 20 of 22

Danny and Jackie are assigned to protect a witness in a major trial involving the Russian Mob. However, their presence does nothing to deter a would-be assassin from making an attempt on her life - and the detectives discover a leak from their department could undermine the entire operation. Meanwhile, Erin is offered an opportunity that could lead to her working even more closely with Frank

Blue Bloods airs on 5USA at 12:05 PM, Saturday 29 March. (Subtitles, repeat.)
Learn more about Blue Bloods and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Police ➝ Crime Drama
Tom Selleck
Donnie Wahlberg
Bridget Moynahan