
9:31 AM to 10:00 AM
Saturday 29 June

Flower Fairies / Shakey Wakey / Sea Spells

Season 2

Gloomy is eager to show Fred the biggest, juiciest berries in Tulipop, but Fred warns her they belong to the Flower Fairies. / When a strange rumbling and shaking quakes Tulipop, Bubble, Gloomy and Fred go in search of what's causing it. / The friends find a beautiful necklace washed up on the shore of Pebble Beach. It doesn’t seem to belong to anyone, so Maddy decides to keep it, but…

Tulipop airs on Cartoonito at 9:31 AM, Saturday 29 June.
Children's ➝ Youth Programmes
Cartoons ➝ Puppets