Grizzy and the Lemmings
Dragons & Bears / Bamboo Warfare / Bear In The...
Season 3 of 78
...Clouds / Umbrella Tactics / Neither Yin, Nor Yang / Mechatronics Bear / Fireworks Cabin / Diving In The Wild => As Grizzy relaxes in the massage chair, a cloud drifts in front of the sun, immediately stopping the electricity supply in the log cabin. / Grizzy dismantles the toboggan built by the Lemmings in the log cabin and reemploys the bamboo sticks to build a jacuzzi. / The Lemmings organize a drone race throughout the cabin. / The Lemmings steal the TV by tricking Grizzy. / Grizzy stops a game of chase with the Lemmings. / On the way back from a fishing outing, Grizzy unwittingly brings back an electrode that controls a robot. / The Lemmings slide along the Great Wall in a crate. / Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the last jar of Yummy chocolate spread in the cabin and it ends up sinking in the lagoon.