Family Guy

11:45 PM to 12:15 AM
Friday 14 March

It Takes a Village Idiot and I Married One

Season 5 Episode 17 of 18

Lois campaigns for election as mayor, but is only successful after dumbing down her political views to appeal to the electorate. However, the power of her office soon corrupts her and she begins to accept bribes to buy expensive things for herself. Meanwhile, Peter enjoys all the perks his status as 'first lady' of Quahog brings him

Family Guy airs on ITV2 at 11:45 PM, Friday 14 March. (Subtitles, audio description.)
Learn more about Family Guy and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Animated Movie ➝ Drama
Seth MacFarlane
Alex Borstein
Seth Green