Hollyoaks Omnibus

6:00 AM to 7:10 AM
Sunday 16 March


While Tony cooks a family dinner at The Hutch, Arlo stirs trouble, a resident finds comfort in an ex, and a son disapproves of his dad's new relationship. Leela confides in a therapist about her marriage troubles, and Lucas finds himself stuck in the middle, while one resident gets a taste of a brighter future. Myra returns home determined and Mercedes finds herself in the middle of an intervention. Martha's worried about her son's next move and a new romance continues to flourish

Hollyoaks Omnibus airs on E4 at 6:00 AM, Sunday 16 March. (Subtitles, new, audio description.)
Learn more about Hollyoaks Omnibus and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Soap ➝ Melodrama ➝ Folkloric
Emily Gascoyne
Heather Robson
Steve Hughes
Sean Glynn