
8:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Friday 14 March

I Love Lucy

Season 3 Episode 4 of 7

Alison invites Lucy to stay, but begins to worry about her real motivations after a dire warning from her solicitor. The Captain decides to put his surveillance skills to the task of discovering whether Lucy is who she claims to be. A prank by Julian leaves Mike with an inappropriate e-mail and some awkward explaining to do with his new boss. Comedy, starring Charlotte Ritchie and Jessica Knappett

Ghosts airs on BBC One London at 8:00 PM, Friday 14 March. (Subtitles, repeat, audio description.)
Learn more about Ghosts and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Charlotte Ritchie
Kiell Smith-Bynoe
Lolly Adefope