Footballers' Wives

12:10 AM to 1:15 AM
Saturday 29 June

The Ties that Bind

Season 2 Episode 2 of 8

Ian fails to turn up for a big game when a mysterious tip-off puts him on the track of his missing daughter and Tanya is stood up at a glitzy charity do by Jason, but wakes up with more than a hangover after partying the night away with his agent Hazel Bailey instead. The body in Kyle's pool turns out to be that of his stalker Sheena, and her diary revelations leave the police - and even Chardonnay - wondering about the true nature of their relationship

Footballers' Wives airs on Drama at 12:10 AM, Saturday 29 June. (Subtitles.)
Learn more about Footballers' Wives and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Gary Lucy
Ruth Millar
Nathan Constance