Father Brown
The Dead of Night
Season 11 Episode 9 of 10
When housekeeper Janice Higgins races into St Mary's asking for help, Father Brown is only too happy to oblige. Janice's employer, Bernard Ross believes that his daughter Louisa, who died a year previously, has become a vampire. Father Brown and Brenda visit Ross Manor only to find Gilbert Gallamore and vampire hunter Silas O'Hagan whipping Bernard into a frenzy - much to the disapproval of Bernard's sister-in-law. Tensions are high between the group at dinner that evening and the next morning Gilbert is found dead, with bite marks on his neck. Josie Lawrence guest stars, with Mark Williams
Father Brown airs on U&Alibi at 9:00 AM, Thursday 13 March. (Subtitles, audio description.)
Movie ➝ Drama
Historical ➝ Period Drama
Literary Adaptation
Mark Williams
Claudie Blakley
Ruby-May Martinwood