Last of the Summer Wine

7:20 PM to 8:00 PM
Thursday 27 June

Elegy for Fallen Wellies

Season 21 Episode 4 of 10

Nora dons a revealing outfit for a church pageant and is dared by Ivy to call Compo's bluff and present herself on his doorstep. Unfortunately, the shock proves too much for him and he is raced to hospital. Alas, he failed to make it through, presenting his friends with a dilemma on how best to commemorate him. Peter Sallis and Frank Thornton star in a special instalment of Roy Clarke's comedy, marking the departure of Bill Owen's character from the series

Last of the Summer Wine airs on Drama at 7:20 PM, Thursday 27 June. (Subtitles.)
Learn more about Last of the Summer Wine and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Peter Sallis
Frank Thornton
Jane Freeman