The Snowman and the Snowdog
The Snowman and the Snowdog
Animated sequel to Raymond Briggs' classic festive tale The Snowman, telling the story of another youngster's magical Christmas. A boy's snowman and snowdog come to life at the stroke of midnight and take him on an adventure to the North Pole, where he and his new companions meet an assortment of colourful characters, including Santa himself, before returning home - where a wonderful surprise awaits
The Snowman and the Snowdog airs on Channel 4 +1 at 7:45 AM, Wednesday 25 December. (Audio Description, subtitles, repeat.)
Learn more about The Snowman and the Snowdog and other children's/youth programmes on our drama page
Children's ➝ Youth Programmes
Cartoons ➝ Puppets
Movie ➝ Drama
Animated Movie ➝ Drama
Hilary Audus
Camilla Deakin
Ruth Fielding
John Coates