Fireman Sam

2:00 AM to 3:00 AM
Saturday 22 June

The Moon Men Are Coming / The Pontypandy Bee...

Season 14 of 26

...Project / Radio Mandy / Seagull Shenanigans / Calendar Challenge / Beware of the Fox => When pickle-wielding Norman tries to protect Pontypandy from being attacked by Moon Men, his panic ends up causing a fire at Joe’s garage! / All Mandy wants is to attract more bee visitors to her Bee Hotel than know-it-all James – but she ends up starting a fire at the Watermill! / A made-up traffic report creates a real traffic problem, so when an emergency call comes, the Fire Team and Police Horse Kilo must go cross-country! / During a community litter pick, the children chase after a seagull who’s stolen Lily’s toy, and end up in need of a helicopter rescue on the islands! / A photography contest has everyone trying to snap the best shot, until Mrs. Chen gets blown out to sea on a windsurfer, prompting a hover craft rescue! / While overseeing the Cadets, Sam and Ellie get a call from the woods, where a fox has turned Malcolm, Tom, and Moose’s campfire into a forest fire!

Fireman Sam airs on Cartoonito at 2:00 AM, Saturday 22 June.
Children's ➝ Youth Programmes
Cartoons ➝ Puppets