The Bill

7:10 AM to 8:00 AM
Sunday 30 June

The Lone Ranger

Season 22 Episode 10 of 91

Zain mounts a personal crusade to get Smithy off the hook and prove he was framed by Pete Larson, but DCI Keane of the DPS takes exception to his maverick methods and throws him off the case at a crucial moment. Ramani and Terry investigate a claim of child abuse 20 years after the event, and their sensitive handling of a tough investigation earns Ramani a job offer from DCI Caddick

The Bill airs on Drama at 7:10 AM, Sunday 30 June. (Subtitles.)
Learn more about The Bill and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Police ➝ Crime Drama
Alex Walkinshaw
TJ Ramini
Graham McTavish