Aneeshwar and Lizzie Go Wild

3:10 PM to 3:20 PM
Wednesday 19 March

Mangshan Pit Viper and White-Blotched River Stingray

Season 2 Episode 38 of 40

Aneeshwar and Lizzie meet a Mangshan pit viper. These beautifully coloured snakes are called pit vipers because they have pits between their eyes that allow them to detect prey using heat. Aneeshwar and Lizzie stand in front of a heat-sensing camera to reveal how that looks. Next, they meet and feed Hans, a white-blotched river stingray. Some rays live in the ocean, but white-blotched rays live in the rivers of central Brazil in South America. Pit vipers and stingrays are very different animals, but Aneeshwar and Lizzie discover what the unusual and extraordinary wild connection is between them.

Aneeshwar and Lizzie Go Wild airs on CBeebies HD at 3:10 PM, Wednesday 19 March. (Subtitles, new.)
Children's ➝ Youth Programmes