
6:00 AM to 7:00 AM
Sunday 5 January

For All Molekind/Dogzilla/Moleder and Dotty/Mr. Know It All

Season 1

Mishmosh builds a tunnel digger, upsetting some that it will replace moles’ need to dig themselves. Dotty accidently gets locked in the machine and it gets activated! / When Buttercup (the Queen’s dog) digs his way down into Moletown, he forms a bond with the Gardener. / When a mysterious sighting breeds rumors of aliens in Mole Town, Moley and Dotty investigate in hopes of finding the truth. / Moley is frustrated with his inability to do a crossword puzzle so he casts a spell with the aim of “knowing all the answers.”

Moley airs on Boomerang +1 at 6:00 AM, Sunday 5 January.
Children's ➝ Youth Programmes
Cartoons ➝ Puppets