
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Thursday 27 June

Runners and Riders

Season 15 Episode 18 of 26

Lord Ashfordly's niece comes to stay in Aidensfield following the breakdown of her marriage, but immediately suffers another blow when her prize racehorse is kidnapped and held to ransom. Romance is in the air for Rosie as a biker gang turns up in town, and a seedy photographer promises to make a star of Phil Bellamy's stepdaughter Jane. Rural drama, starring Vanessa Hehir and Lauren Drummond

Heartbeat airs on ITV3 at 6:00 PM, Thursday 27 June. (Subtitles, audio description.)
Learn more about Heartbeat and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Sophie Ward
Rupert Vansittart
David Lonsdale