U&Eden +1 Saturday

U&Eden +1
5:20 AM
Africa from Above
Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country on Earth
6:10 AM
The Bill
Martella and Stamp take a shoplifter into custody
6:35 AM
The Bill
The bomb squad is called to Sun Hill after a hold-all is left at the front desk
7:00 AM
A chance to buy goods from the comfort of home
10:00 AM
Wild Edens
Turkey's unique location between three vastly different continents has created a biological superpower
11:00 AM
Wild Edens
A celebration of India and Bangladesh's most pristine yet fragile habitats
12:00 PM
Rescued Chimpanzees of the Congo with Jane Goodall
Dr Rebeca Atencia rescues an infant chimp who has lost an eye and his mother
1:00 PM
Rescued Chimpanzees of the Congo with Jane Goodall
Infant chimp Motambo is suffering from tetanus
2:00 PM
Rescued Chimpanzees of the Congo with Jane Goodall
Work is under way on three new islands that will house more than 100 chimpanzees
3:00 PM
Rescued Chimpanzees of the Congo with Jane Goodall
Dr Rebeca Atencia sets out to rescue an illegally kept pet mandrill
4:00 PM
Rescued Chimpanzees of the Congo with Jane Goodall
Wounda the chimp gives birth to a healthy male
5:00 PM
Rescued Chimpanzees of the Congo with Jane Goodall
Dr Rebeca Atencia rescues an infant chimp who has lost an eye and his mother
6:00 PM
The Bill
Melvin and Haynes are nearly decoyed away from a robbery
6:30 PM
The Bill
Tosh and Carver seek an arms dump
7:00 PM
The Bill
Brind agrees to perform a reconstruction of a woman's disappearance
7:30 PM
The Bill
Burnside interrogates Carver's prisoner
8:00 PM
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong
9:00 PM
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong
10:00 PM
Part one of two. Albert protects a valuable chalice
11:15 PM
Part two of two. Albert travels to Suffolk