U&Eden HD Thursday

U&Eden HD
6:00 AM
A chance to buy goods from the comfort of home
9:00 AM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring the Apollo Movie Theatre in Tbilisi, Georgia
10:00 AM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring a country estate in Ireland
11:00 AM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring Anchieta, a tropical island complex in Brazil
12:00 PM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring the ruined site of Troy
1:00 PM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring Seodaemun Prison in Seoul, South Korea
2:00 PM
Abandoned Engineering
Ruined engineering projects that have been put to alternative use
3:00 PM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring the Apollo Movie Theatre in Tbilisi, Georgia
4:00 PM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring a country estate in Ireland
5:00 PM
The Bill
Martella brings in two girls
5:30 PM
The Bill
Reports of a strange smell lead to Melvin discovering a body in a flat
6:00 PM
The Bill
Haynes goes undercover as a driver
6:30 PM
The Bill
Burnside's goddaughter lies in intensive care following a drug overdose
7:00 PM
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong
8:00 PM
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong
9:00 PM
Part one of two. A musical comedy star is persecuted
10:10 PM
Part two of two. The detective tries to clear Linda Sutane's husband
11:25 PM
The Bill
Martella brings in two girls
11:55 PM
The Bill
Reports of a strange smell lead to Melvin discovering a body in a flat
12:25 AM
The Bill
Haynes goes undercover as a driver
12:55 AM
The Bill
Burnside's goddaughter lies in intensive care following a drug overdose
1:25 AM
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong
2:25 AM
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong
3:20 AM
Part one of two. A musical comedy star is persecuted
4:20 AM
Part two of two. The detective tries to clear Linda Sutane's husband
5:20 AM
The Bill
Martella brings in two girls