U&Eden HD Wednesday

U&Eden HD
6:00 AM
A chance to buy goods from the comfort of home
9:00 AM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring a luxury resort in Argentina
10:00 AM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring a crumbling dam hidden in the Welsh valleys
11:00 AM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring a picturesque French castle
12:00 PM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring a complex in Georgia pointing into deep space
1:00 PM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring Hartwood, a haunting facility in Scotland
2:00 PM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring an engineering marvel hidden behind the Niagara Falls in Canada
3:00 PM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring a luxury resort in Argentina
4:00 PM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring a crumbling dam hidden in the Welsh valleys
5:00 PM
The Bill
Cryer and Martella investigate an army surplus shop
5:30 PM
The Bill
A baby is kidnapped by a mystery man
6:00 PM
The Bill
Haynes and Ramsay are involved in a car crash that injures a child
6:30 PM
The Bill
Ackland and Edwards uncover a shed full of rotting chicken corpses
7:00 PM
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong
8:00 PM
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong
9:00 PM
The Missing
An undercover police officer comes forward with possible information about Oliver
10:20 PM
The Missing
The case is thrown into disarray by a murder
11:40 PM
The Bill
Cryer and Martella investigate an army surplus shop
12:10 AM
The Bill
A baby is kidnapped by a mystery man
12:40 AM
The Bill
Haynes and Ramsay are involved in a car crash that injures a child
1:15 AM
The Bill
Ackland and Edwards uncover a shed full of rotting chicken corpses
1:45 AM
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong
2:45 AM
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong
3:30 AM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring a picturesque French castle
4:20 AM
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring a complex in Georgia pointing into deep space
5:10 AM
The Bill
Cryer and Martella investigate an army surplus shop
5:35 AM
The Bill
A baby is kidnapped by a mystery man