TG4 HD Friday
12:45 AM
No Tears
The trial date is set
1:45 AM
An Gobán Saor
Irishmen from all walks of life share their favourite funny stories
2:00 AM
Nuacht TG4
The day's main news stories
2:30 AM
Máirtín Seoighe from Co Galway goes in search of the history of his surname
3:25 AM
Slí na mBeaglaoich
Cormac and Breanndán Ó Beaglaoich travel from West Kerry to Listowel
4:20 AM
Ár gClub
Laochra Loch Lao continue their search for a first championship win
4:45 AM
Ulaidh Faoi Thalamh
Cormac Ó hÁdhmaill explores subterranean relics of war
5:15 AM
France 24
International news
5:30 AM
France 24
International news