Sky History 2 Saturday

Sky History 2
6:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
Experts scrutinise prehistoric ruins for alien intervention
7:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
Investigating 'The Nine' - an alleged federation of extraterrestrial beings
8:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
The Apollo 11 mission to the moon
9:00 AM
Winston Churchill's War
The crucial decisions made by the wartime leader
10:00 AM
When Big Things Go Wrong
A crash involving a DC-10 airliner
11:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
The infamous 1947 Roswell crash
12:00 PM
Ancient Aliens
Experts investigate startling evidence on the Ancient Maya
1:00 PM
Close Encounters
Strange lights occur near a US Air Force base on England's east coast
1:30 PM
Close Encounters
Sightings of an orange football-shaped object
2:00 PM
Ancient Aliens: The Ultimate Evidence
Whether Earth's stone monoliths were built with extra terrestrial help
3:00 PM
Rust Valley Restorers
Mike hires a secret labourer to help with his '71 Super Bee
4:00 PM
Rust Valley Restorers
Forest fires threaten Rust Valley
5:00 PM
What on Earth?
A structure shaped like a shark that suggests evidence of a Bahamian lost civilisation
6:00 PM
What on Earth?
A lake in Canada that may hold the key to whether life exists on Mars
7:00 PM
WWII's Most Daring Raids
A mission to take out four German howitzers about to assault Utah Beach
8:00 PM
Haterius is tasked with constructing a labyrinth underneath the Colosseum floor
9:00 PM
Dark Marvels: Killing Machines
The dark secrets hidden within some foreboding fortresses
10:00 PM
Evidence of the Unexplained
A look at recently declassified top secret UFO files
11:00 PM
The Proof Is Out There
The legendary Ohio Grassman
12:00 AM
Ancient Aliens: The Ultimate Evidence
Whether Earth's stone monoliths were built with extra terrestrial help
1:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
Whether extraterrestrials landed on Earth thousands of years ago
2:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
Theorists speculate about the existence of black holes on Earth
3:00 AM
History's Greatest Mysteries
A mystery concerning a work of art worth half a billion dollars
4:00 AM
I Was There
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986
4:30 AM
I Was There
Theo Wilson revisits the Salem Witch Trials
5:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
Giant ancient drawings found etched into a desert floor
6:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
Ancient alien theorists explore the origins of mythical gods