RTE2 HD Sunday

6:00 AM
Headlines update
7:55 AM
American animated comedy
8:25 AM
American animated comedy
9:20 AM
The Rubbish World of Dave Spud
Dave needs a new coat, and luckily Gran knows of one goi...
9:30 AM
The Strange Chores
Lights, Camera, Drac-tion! The Gang is thrust centre ...
9:40 AM
The Strange Chores
When Charlie ignores the rules of Pierce's magical board...
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
Wild Atlantic Kids
Nellie, Eppie and Nan go pony trekking
10:55 AM
Danny & Mick
The duo offer to build the leisure centre's new sauna
11:05 AM
Danny & Mick
The duo have heard about Joy's new office chair and are excited to try it out
11:20 AM
Junior Bake Off
The young bakers show off their pastry skills
11:55 AM
news2day Weekly
Round-up of major stories
12:15 PM
Home and Away
Mali leaves Kirby confused when he doesn't show up to his surfing class
12:45 PM
Home and Away
Justin, Leah and Marilyn deal with the failure of their plans
1:15 PM
The Story of Love
Romantic comedy, starring Brittany Bristow and Franco Lo Presti
3:00 PM
The 1% Club
Quiz, hosted by Lee Mack
4:00 PM
Spectacular Earth
Cameras focus on some of the world's most stunning natural phenomena
5:00 PM
David Attenborough narrates footage of lions on Kenya's Masai Mara
6:00 PM
Namibia's Natural Wonders
The impact of drought and heat on wildlife in Namibia
7:00 PM
Destination Wild: Unknown Europe
Wildlife documentary beginning with the natural surprises of Germany
8:00 PM
Chris Packham looks at development of the planet's atmosphere
9:00 PM
Licorice Pizza
Romantic comedy, starring Alana Haim and Cooper Hoffman
11:30 PM
The reason for Beth and Jamie's toxic relationship is revealed
12:20 AM
The Inheritance
The Watson siblings hunt for their father's previous will
1:15 AM
Hitler: A Life in Pictures
The motivation that drove Hitler to war
2:15 AM
Headlines update
6:00 AM
Headlines update