RTE One Tuesday

6:00 AM
Headlines update
7:15 AM
Home shopping
7:45 AM
Daily magazine show
9:55 AM
The Kelly Clarkson Show
Chat and entertainment show
10:45 AM
The Drew Barrymore Show
The actress hosts a talk show featuring human-interest st...
11:10 AM
The Drew Barrymore Show
The actress hosts a talk show featuring human-interest st...
11:40 AM
Shortland Street
Marty invests further in Monique
12:10 PM
Zara tries to take control of the situation
12:45 PM
Telly Bingo
Lottery game show
1:00 PM
RTÉ News: One O'Clock and Weather
National and international news
1:30 PM
Home and Away
Harper turns down Dana and Xander's offer of breakfast
2:00 PM
Australian soap opera
2:30 PM
High Road, Low Road
Comedians Deirdre O'Kane and Emma Doran head to Singapore
3:00 PM
The highs and lows of life in Albert Square
3:30 PM
Daily magazine show
5:40 PM
The latest news headlines
5:55 PM
RTÉ News with Signing
National and international news.
6:00 PM
The Angelus
Karen Pleass creates a wall-hanging for the Adapt Refuge in Kerry
6:01 PM
RTÉ News: Six One and Weather
The latest national and international headlines
7:00 PM
Best Place to Be
Baz Ashmawy travels to Cyprus and meets a couple from Dublin
7:30 PM
The highs and lows of life in Albert Square
8:00 PM
Fair City
Pete, Katy and Dean kick off a plan to expose the truth about Tyler
8:30 PM
Home of the Year
Judges examine properties including a Georgian Granite House in Wicklow
9:00 PM
RTÉ News: Nine O'Clock and Weather
The latest national and international news
9:35 PM
Prime Time
In-depth analysis of current affairs and topical reports
10:15 PM
John discovers a connection between McJagger and an old colleague
11:10 PM
The Gold
Boyce, Jennings and Brightwell make a shocking realisation
12:25 AM
Faced with intense pressure, Orla, Abi, and Kelsey are determined to find a way forward
1:25 AM
Prime Time
In-depth analysis of current affairs and topical reports
2:05 AM
Telly Bingo
Lottery game show
2:20 AM
Zara tries to take control of the situation
2:50 AM
Headlines update
6:00 AM
Headlines update
6:15 AM
Home shopping
6:50 AM
Home shopping