RTE News Saturday

RTE News
11:25 PM
Headlines update
8:00 AM
Current Affairs Round-Up
News and Current Affairs highlights from the past week.
9:00 AM
Current Affairs Round-Up
News and Current Affairs highlights from the past week.
10:00 AM
Current Affairs Round-Up
News and Current Affairs highlights from the past week.
11:00 AM
Current Affairs Round-Up
News and Current Affairs highlights from the past week.
12:00 PM
Current Affairs Round-Up
News and Current Affairs highlights from the past week.
1:05 PM
Saturday with Colm O'Mongáin
Colm and guests discuss the issues of the week.
2:00 PM
Latest News and Weather
Irish and international news headlines
3:00 PM
Latest News and Weather
Irish and international news headlines
4:00 PM
Latest News and Weather
Irish and international news headlines
5:00 PM
Latest News and Weather
Irish and international news headlines
5:45 PM
The latest news headlines
6:01 PM
RTÉ News: Six One and Weather
The latest national and international headlines
6:30 PM
Latest News and Weather
Irish and international news headlines
7:00 PM
Latest News and Weather
Irish and international news headlines
8:00 PM
Latest News and Weather
Irish and international news headlines
8:30 PM
The latest news headlines
9:00 PM
Latest News and Weather
Irish and international news headlines
10:00 PM
Saturday with Colm O'Mongáin
Colm and guests discuss the issues of the week.
11:00 PM
The latest news headlines
11:15 PM
Headlines update