National Geographic WILD Sunday
7:00 AM
Cruise TV with LoveitBookit
Your one-stop-shop for all things cruise; bringing you t...
Your one-stop-shop for all things cruise; bringing you the hottest destinations, ground-breaking ships and the latest deals to ensure you have a fantastic cruise holiday!

10:00 AM
Rare Cat Skills
A look at the survival skills of rare wild cats
A look at the survival skills of rare wild cats and how each species has evolved over millennia with unique adaptations to suit their individual environments

11:00 AM
Europe from Above
An aerial journey over the Alps region
An aerial journey over the Alps region, featuring an impressive feat of solar panel engineering, a hot air balloon festival and the Northern Bald Ibis in flight

12:00 PM
Europe from Above
Journey over the Nordic region and discover the world's longest continuous staircase
Journey over the Nordic region and discover the world's longest continuous staircase, an Atlantic Puffin conservation effort and a kayak parade

1:00 PM
Attack of the Red Sea Sharks
Investigating a series of shark attacks in the Red Sea
Three people are killed in the waters around resorts in the Red Sea in less than a year. Scientists launch a pursuit to determine whether or not this is part of a growing trend

2:00 PM
Baby Sharks in the City
Baby Great White Sharks born off the coast of New York
Biologists have finally discovered the nursery of the Atlantic great white sharks - and it's right off New York. Uncover the life of the baby great white for the very first time

3:00 PM
Saved from a Shark
People who believe dolphins and whales saved them from shark attacks
First-hand accounts of people who believe dolphins and whales saved them from a potentially fatal shark attack

4:00 PM
Secrets of the Zoo
Compilation episode of animal births
Compilation episode of animal births. Meet some baby cheetahs before witnessing a rare mountain goat birth and saying hello to a litter of new-born Mexican wolf pups

5:00 PM
Secrets of the Zoo
Why have some of the animals lost their appetites?
Join the vets and keepers as they look for answers to a curious question: why have some of the animals lost their appetites?

6:00 PM
Critter Fixers: Country Vets
The vets perform surgery on a serval and a chihuahua with a damaged eye
The vets perform surgery on a serval and a chihuahua with a damaged eye. Alpacas come in for parasite and pregnancy checks

7:00 PM
Wild India
Life through the eyes of a newborn elephant calf
David Attenborough looks at life through the eyes of a newborn elephant calf as he charts the evolution of animal life in the country

8:00 PM
Madagascar's Legendary Lemurs
Documentary providing an insight into the primates of Madagascar
Documentary providing an insight into the unique primates of Madagascar, where more than 100 species of lemur live among stone forests, spiny groves and jungles

9:00 PM
Freaks & Creeps
Lucy Cooke searches for strange creatures, beginning with the proboscis monkey
Zoologist Lucy Cooke embarks on a mission to find strange animals, beginning her search in Borneo with the proboscis monkey

10:00 PM
Africa's Hunters
A female hyena must assert dominance over the pack
A female hyena whose mother was a dominant member of the pack must assert her position in the fiercely competitive group

11:00 PM
Snakes in the City
Simon and Siouxsie bring 25 baby rock pythons into the world
Catching a black mamba at midnight is only part of Simon and Siouxsie's latest challenge; they also bring 25 baby rock pythons into the world

12:00 AM
Alaska: The Next Generation
A dark winter lies ahead
The Alaskans must prepare to endure the harsh elements of dark winter that lie ahead

1:00 AM
Alaska: The Next Generation
Alaskans acquire valuable resources necessary for survival
Alaskans employs time-honoured methods to acquire valuable resources necessary for survival

2:00 AM
Secrets of the Zoo
New deer fawn babies are born
New deer fawn babies are born, which helps to preserve this near-extinct species

3:00 AM
Secrets of the Zoo
An older male Mandrill shows his true colours during a dental exam
An older male Mandrill shows his true colours during a dental exam, teamwork is critical as a female Bison gets a physical, and a pronghorn deer's leg injury gets expert attention

4:00 AM
Yukon Vet
Dr Michelle Oakley treats a sled dog that had a nasty run-in with a porcupine
Dr Michelle Oakley treats a sled dog that had a nasty run-in with a porcupine, and the day takes a more positive turn when she tends to two Icelandic horses