National Geographic Channel HD Monday

National Geographic Channel HD
12:00 AM
Mutant Weather
Stories of major flooding in the southern US
1:00 AM
To Catch a Smuggler
HSI discovers overcrowded stash houses used to hide human cargo
2:00 AM
Lords of War
Sean finds an 18th-century blunderbuss
2:30 AM
Made in a Day
The making of Jack Daniels whiskey
2:55 AM
Made in a Day
The story of how space rockets are built by US company ULA
3:20 AM
Food Factory
How soda and breakfast cereal is made
3:45 AM
Food Factory
How cheese twists are made
4:10 AM
Exotic Animal ER: Double Dose
Dr K treats a cockatiel's potentially fatal inflamed sinuses
4:35 AM
Exotic Animal ER: Double Dose
A pregnant pine snake has to have her eggs surgically removed
5:00 AM
World of Cruising
Teleshopping. U.
5:30 AM
Teleshopping. U.