11:00 AM
Fire Down Below
Romantic drama, starring Rita Hayworth
Two men who run a tramp steamer together in the West Indies are driven apart when they fall for the same woman. Romantic drama, starring Rita Hayworth

1:20 PM
The Fallen Idol
Crime drama, starring Ralph Richardson
A boy tries to help his father's butler escape a murder conviction, but he makes the servant seem even more suspicious. Crime drama, starring Ralph Richardson and Bobby Henrey

3:15 PM
Two Way Stretch
Comedy, starring Peter Sellers
Three convicts break out of jail and rob a fabulously rich maharajah, then sneak back in to give themselves the perfect alibi. Comedy, starring Peter Sellers and Bernard Cribbins

5:00 PM
Fantastic Voyage
Sci-fi adventure, starring Raquel Welch
A medical team is miniaturised and injected into a scientist's bloodstream so they can repair damage to his brain. Sci-fi adventure, starring Raquel Welch and Donald Pleasence

7:05 PM
10 Things I Hate About You
Comedy, starring Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles
A teenager is banned from dating until her man-hating sister gets a boyfriend - but a quirky loner might be just the man for the job. Comedy, with Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles

9:00 PM
Crime drama, starring Jake Gyllenhaal
A man desperate for money asks for help from his adoptive brother, a criminal who instead offers him a score, but their getaway goes wrong. Drama starring Jake Gyllenhaal

11:45 PM
Patriot Games
Political thriller, starring Harrison Ford
A former CIA agent prevents an assassination attempt by an IRA splinter group, but one of the terrorists swears revenge on him. Thriller, starring Harrison Ford and Sean Bean

2:00 AM
Down Terrace
Crime comedy, starring Robin and Robert Hill
Father-and-son gangsters are released from prison and try to identify the informant in their organisation. Crime comedy, starring real-life father and son Robin and Robert Hill