Eden +1 Tuesday

Eden +1
5:30 AM
Inside the Ambulance
The paramedics are called to an unconscious child in a park
6:20 AM
David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities
Nature's evolutionary anomalies
7:00 AM
A chance to buy goods from the comfort of home
10:00 AM
Inside the Ambulance
The paramedics treat a woman whose legs have dramatically swollen
11:00 AM
Inside the Ambulance
The crews attend an HGV driver suffering dizzy spells
12:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
The West Midlands Ambulance Service treat a man who stabbed a police dog
1:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
Crews help a young woman who fell down a flight of stairs
2:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
A golf-loving pensioner with a heart problem is among the cases
3:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
The crews are called to a 30-year-old car that's been driven into a wall by a 90-year-old driver
4:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
The paramedics treat a woman whose legs have dramatically swollen
5:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
The crews attend an HGV driver suffering dizzy spells
6:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
The West Midlands Ambulance Service treat a man who stabbed a police dog
7:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
Crews help a young woman who fell down a flight of stairs
8:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
A golf-loving pensioner with a heart problem is among the cases
9:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
The crews are called to a 30-year-old car that's been driven into a wall by a 90-year-old driver
10:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
The paramedics treat a woman whose legs have dramatically swollen
11:00 PM
Inside the Ambulance
The crews attend an HGV driver suffering dizzy spells
12:00 AM
Inside the Ambulance
The West Midlands Ambulance Service treat a man who stabbed a police dog
1:00 AM
Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown
Bourdain heads to the Highlands with writer A.A. Gill, and samples deep-fried haggis
2:00 AM
Inside the Ambulance
A golf-loving pensioner with a heart problem is among the cases
3:00 AM
Inside the Ambulance
The paramedics treat a woman whose legs have dramatically swollen
4:00 AM
Inside the Ambulance
The crews attend an HGV driver suffering dizzy spells
4:45 AM
Inside the Ambulance
The West Midlands Ambulance Service treat a man who stabbed a police dog
5:30 AM
Inside the Ambulance
Crews help a young woman who fell down a flight of stairs
6:20 AM
David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities
The curious creatures that have led to accusations of forgery