Discovery History +1 Monday

Discovery History +1
6:00 AM
Home shopping
6:30 AM
Home shopping
7:00 AM
Cruise TV with LoveitBookit
Your one-stop-shop for all things cruise
8:00 AM
Nostradamus - The Truth
A fresh look at the accuracy of Nostradamus' predictions.
9:00 AM
Kings of Construction
John F Kennedy Airport's JetBlue terminal
10:00 AM
Combat Dealers
One of Bruce Crompton's clients seeks a German half-track armoured personnel carrier
11:00 AM
Blowing Up History
Experts reveal the secrets of the Statue of Liberty
12:00 PM
Blowing Up History
Exposing the secrets behind the mysterious ruined city in Greece
1:00 PM
Expedition Unknown
Josh heads to the town of Turbek for some shocking revelations
2:00 PM
Expedition Unknown
Josh Gates dives into the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle
3:00 PM
Nasa's Unexplained Files
A Russian probe discovers lunar soil that has been disturbed
4:00 PM
How the Universe Works
How Uranus and Neptune may have influenced life on Earth
5:00 PM
Mysteries of the Missing
Terry O'Quinn examines the MH370 Malaysia Airlines disaster of 2014
6:00 PM
Mysteries at the Museum
Don Wildman showcases a courageous canine
7:00 PM
Mysteries at the Museum
Don investigates a perilous plunge inside America's tallest building
8:00 PM
Expedition Bigfoot
Russell finds a structure he believes is a Bigfoot nest
9:00 PM
Nostradamus - The Truth
A fresh look at the accuracy of Nostradamus' predictions.
10:00 PM
Combat Dealers
Bruce Crompton heads to Finland following a hot tip
11:00 PM
Shed and Buried
Henry Cole and Guy Willison pay a visit to motocross lover Terry in Hereford
11:30 PM
Shed and Buried
Henry and Guy have a rummage in Nigel's sheds in Bexleyheath
12:00 AM
Blowing Up History
Experts reveal the secrets of the Statue of Liberty
1:00 AM
Blowing Up History
Exposing the secrets behind the mysterious ruined city in Greece
2:00 AM
How the Universe Works
How Uranus and Neptune may have influenced life on Earth
3:00 AM
Nasa's Unexplained Files
A Russian probe discovers lunar soil that has been disturbed
4:00 AM
Expedition Unknown
Josh heads to the town of Turbek for some shocking revelations
5:00 AM
Expedition Unknown
Josh Gates dives into the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle