BBC Scotland HD (Freeview) Tomorrow
BBC Scotland HD (Freeview)
12:00 AM
7:00 PM
Reporting Scotland: News at Seven
Reports from BBC newsrooms across the country
7:30 PM
Crimewatch Caught
How detectives have solved complex cases.
8:00 PM
Paramedics on Scene
An Oban woman experiences a severe allergic reaction.
9:00 PM
Debate Night
Topical debate on the big issues affecting Scotland and beyond
10:00 PM
River City
A fragile Tyler is put to the test by Harry
10:30 PM
The Agency: Unfiltered
It's crunch time at the agency's Halloween party when the winner is announced
11:00 PM
Discussion on Scotland's biggest news stories
11:30 PM
Scottish Questions
From Westminster
12:00 AM