BBC Scotland HD (Freeview) Wednesday
7:00 PM
Reporting Scotland: News at Seven
Reports from BBC newsrooms across the country
Reports from BBC newsrooms across the country with analysis and discussion on the big stories of the day

7:30 PM
The Journey to Scotland's Remotest Pub
Two friends take on a treacherous journey
Two friends take on a journey to Scotland's remotest public house, interwoven with stories from some of the residents of the magical Knoydart peninsula

8:00 PM
Paramedics on Scene
An Oban woman experiences a severe allergic reaction.
A Hawick crew working with a student paramedic must determine if a woman with severe chest pain is having a heart attack, while an Oban woman has a severe allergic reaction

9:00 PM
Debate Night
Topical debate on the big issues affecting Scotland and beyond
Stephen Jardine chairs a topical debate, with panellists Stuart McMillan, Malcolm Offord, Roz Foyer, Michael Marra of Scottish Labour and Professor John Curtice

10:00 PM
River City
Drew is pressured to acquire more painkillers for his football trial
Drew is pressured to acquire more painkillers for his football trial. Meanwhile, Chloe is given an ultimatum by Sam, and Mikey is forced to be honest with Jonathon about their past

10:30 PM
The Agency: Unfiltered
The next challenge at the Academy is to fulfil a brief given to them by a brand
The next challenge at the Academy is to fulfil a brief given to them by a brand. Armed with the items they need to promote, the competitors start creating their content

11:00 PM
The First Minister's backing of Keir Starmer on defence
As Keir Starmer prepares for talks with President Trump, Martin Geissler and Laura Miller ask if the First Minister's backing of the PM on defence should offer any surprise

11:30 PM
The Disasters That Shocked Scotland
The 1984 Polmont rail crash and the 1986 Chinook crash
A look back at two devastating disasters that shocked the nation - the 1984 Polmont rail crash and the 1986 Chinook crash