BBC Alba HD Tuesday

6:00 AM
Alba Today
BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal
5:00 PM
AH-AH is allergic to something, but nobody knows what it is
5:10 PM
Playing with boomerangs
5:20 PM
Cleasan Àtaidh & Tilidh (The Adventures of Abney & Teal)
A tyre gets stuck around Bop's tummy
5:35 PM
Beathaichean a' Bocadaich
Sophie looks through her magic binoculars to find out how animals boogie
5:40 PM
'S E Iasg a Th'Annam (I'm a Fish)
The Triggerfish explains how they have two spines
5:45 PM
Meaban is Moo
Linda tasks Meaban and Moo with finding three star-shaped items
5:50 PM
Daolag-bhreac is Seillean (Ladybird & Bee)
The duo are alarmed when a big dragon appears
5:55 PM
Iain MacRae reads Mar a Ghlacas tu Rionnag
6:00 PM
An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud
The Spuds join Betty on a work trip across America
6:10 PM
Geamaichean Gorach
Olaidh Orains and Màiri Bhàn nan Casan Fada have lots of dance moves
6:15 PM
An Teaghlach Rìoghail an Ath-dhoras (The Royals Next Door)
Mrs Oh decides she would like a butler
6:25 PM
An Teaghlach Rìoghail an Ath-dhoras (The Royals Next Door)
Stella finds herself caught in the middle of an argument
6:40 PM
A-null 's a-nall
Frida believes her father is an alien
7:00 PM
Vets: Gach Creutair Beo
Orthopedic surgeon Scott Rigg treats a lame Labrador
7:30 PM
Joy Dunlop meets learner Keith Mackenzie from the Isle of Skye
8:00 PM
An Là (News)
Local, national and international news
8:30 PM
Bothag Phàdruig
Peter MacQueen returns to his family's special hideaway in Argyll
9:00 PM
Mise is ADHD
Suzie Roberts shares experiences with others who have ADHD
10:00 PM
Trusadh (Compelling Stories)
Luke and uncle Hector compete against each other in a triathlon
11:00 PM
Gaelic soap
11:25 PM
Fraochy Bay
Love is in the air for teacher Miss Harper
11:30 PM
Alleluia! (Spiritual Music & Verse)
Iain MacKinnon presents from Coats in Paisley
12:00 AM
Alba Today
BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal
6:00 AM
Alba Today
BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal