5STAR +1 Tuesday

5STAR +1
5:00 AM
Home shopping
7:00 AM
Home shopping
8:00 AM
Shop: Thane Offers
Home shopping
8:30 AM
JML Presents
Home shopping
9:00 AM
Rich Kids Go Skint
A 21-year-old spends time living with a family on the breadline
10:00 AM
Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun
Cameras focus on Colin 'Coco' Brown's farm and animal sanctuary
11:00 AM
Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords
An old church is taken over by squatters
12:00 PM
Traffic Cops
Derbyshire officers receive a tip-off about a suspected habitual drink-driver
1:00 PM
Traffic Cops
Officers clamp down on dangerous and illegal drivers
2:00 PM
Traffic Cops
A manhunt begins for a van driver who allegedly drove into pedestrians
3:00 PM
Police Interceptors
Four police cars pursue a vehicle speeding down the M25
4:00 PM
Police Interceptors
The team pursues a stolen 4x4
5:00 PM
Police Interceptors
A selection of highlights
6:00 PM
Rogue Claimers
CCTV exposes a cyclist who blamed a bus company for his risky riding
7:00 PM
Home and Away
Levi suggests to Mackenzie that they should run away together
7:30 PM
Home and Away
Justin encourages Theo to not second guess the attempt at re-kindling Lyrik
8:00 PM
GPs: Behind Closed Doors
A woman describes the challenges of caring for a relative with dementia
9:00 PM
Casualty 24/7: Every Second Counts
Doctors treat a man who has fallen from a ladder and has been knocked unconscious
10:00 PM
Killer at the Crime Scene
A look at the murder of 16-year-old Sasha Marsden
11:00 PM
999: Critical Condition
A motorcyclist is rushed into the emergency department
12:00 AM
Skin A&E
A boxing coach has a lipoma that looks like an out-of-place abdominal muscle
1:00 AM
Accused: Guilty or Innocent?
Determining whether a mother of four is guilty of killing her 11-week-old baby
2:00 AM
GPs: Behind Closed Doors
Revisiting memorable consultations from past series
3:00 AM
Casualty 24/7: Every Second Counts
A 30-year-old is admitted after being in a serious motorbike collision
3:50 AM
Police Interceptors
The unit helps rescue a man pinned beneath a tractor
4:35 AM
Home and Away
Justin encourages Theo to not second guess the attempt at re-kindling Lyrik
5:00 AM
Home shopping