Classic Holby City

9:10 AM to 10:35 AM
Friday 3 May

The Hope That Kills

Season 18 Episode 14 of 52

Essie allows her personal life to affect her work when she has to deal with a case involving an adopted son donating his kidney to his birth mother. Guy's career goes from strength to strength, but at a cost, while Morven suggests to Arthur that they keep their new relationship a secret, although things don't quite go to plan

Classic Holby City airs on Drama at 9:10 AM, Friday 3 May. (Subtitles.)
Learn more about Classic Holby City and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Soap ➝ Melodrama ➝ Folkloric
Rob Ostlere
Camilla Arfwedson
James Anderson