New Tricks

9:20 PM to 10:40 PM
Tuesday 18 March

The Rock - Part One

Season 10 Episode 1 of 10

Part one of two. Brian is suspended after assaulting a high-ranking officer in the Met, suspecting him of covering up a death in custody years before. Meanwhile, an Argentinian pistol recovered from the Thames is linked to two unsolved murders which took place 16 years apart - and with one of them having occurred in Gibraltar, Sandra takes the team - minus Brian - on an Iberian adventure to uncover the truth. Alun Armstrong, Amanda Redman, Dennis Waterman and Denis Lawson star in the crime drama

New Tricks airs on U&Drama at 9:20 PM, Tuesday 18 March. (Subtitles, audio description.)
Learn more about New Tricks and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Detective ➝ Thriller
Alun Armstrong
Denis Lawson
Amanda Redman