About Us

Since our launch in 2002 TVGuide.co.uk has grown to become the UK’s favourite 100% dedicated TV listings brand.

Whether you visit us via web or our apps; we have the latest listings information to help you see what’s on now or later, instantly search and find any programme you want to watch, browse and discover great new shows.

Ownership & Funding

TVGuide.co.uk is part of Digitalbox Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Digitalbox plc. Our site is funded through the sale of advertising in and around our content. In addition to advertising, any commercial content is clearly marked as ‘Sponsored’ to ensure readers are not misled in any way. More information about the company, and its strategy and ownership structure can be found at our corporate site: www.digitalbox.com


Editor: Susan Brett

A self-professed nerd with a passion for storytelling, Susan loves TV. She has been the editor of TVGuide.co.uk for more than a decade after starting work on the site in 2013. With TVGuide.co.uk, she’s interviewed stars including stars such as Graham Norton, Miranda Hart and Andrew Lincoln. Susan joined the Digitalbox team in 2023 and also writes for TVGuide.co.uk’s sister site Entertainment Daily.