The Motorway: Life in the Fast Lane

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Thursday 9 May

Weight of Traffic

Season 1 Episode 1 of 4

Documentary following one of the busiest stretches of motorway in Britain, where the M6 joins up with four other major routes. The men and women working along the route spend their lives helping travellers get from A to B as safely and as quickly as possible in an area that often sees up to 8,000 vehicles an hour. Repairs to the road are one of the main problems to overcome, and the source of various disputes with residents - as locals Jim and Alan reveal. They live 20 metres from a current stretch of roadworks and are repeatedly subjected to high levels of noise and flashing lights in the middle of the night. However, they are not the only ones having sleepless nights, as safety inspectors work late shifts on the hunt for heavy-freight truckers breaking road restrictions

The Motorway: Life in the Fast Lane airs on GREAT! real at 12:00 PM, Thursday 9 May.
News ➝ Current Affairs
Julian Barratt
Toby Paton
Barnaby Peel